How do I place an order?
To place an order on our website, simply click on ‘Shop Now’ in the main navigation and take your time to browse through our products. Click on the item of your choice to view its product description or use the ‘Quick View’ option. Select the quantity of the product that you would like to purchase and click the ‘Add to Cart’ button. You should be able to see a summary of the items added to your cart and your order total when you hover over the ‘Cart’ button.
Payment Method – You can now shop seamlessly by paying via PayPal. Don't have a PayPal account? You can checkout safely with Mastercard or Visa through their gateway without creating an account as well. You should receive an order number as a confirmation of your order.
We engage Lalamove to deliver all food orders during the time range stated. Any specific timing requests may incur additional charges as the drivers will be driving via the planned route.
Returns & Refunds
No refunds and returns will be entertained except due to product quality being compromised. All cooked food are best consumed within the same day.